Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ender's Game, Orson Scottcard, June 24.

As you read this book you kind of grow with Ender Wiggin. (The main character.) As he leaves for battle camp, gets promoted, and through the war. It is hard to think of Edner as a 6 year old child. He is younger then me when he defeats the "buggers." (I'm 12 and he was 11) You must read it. It was a wonderful sci-fi, but I would recomend it for older ages. The book says ten and up, I agree. The book gives you a narrator telling about Ender. But towards the end it seems to be through Ender's sister, Valentine's view, And she makes him seem crazy. Even though he's only like ten. The book talks about what war does to you. And as you will find out its not pretty. I'm going to be at camp for a week so i will have to stop my blog. :( I will see you all then. Happy Reading!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wurthering Heights, from the story by Emily Bronte. June 23.

This is a shorter version of the storie that has all the main points but isn't as long and complicated. The only problem about reading versions, is that I'm worried I won't get the full affect of the book. I am glad to say I do not think I had that problem with this book. I got all the characters fully, and the sceneary was not as vivid but close. I could tell each of the different characters personalitys and feelings quite easily. Although the story was very spooky  and the cover gave it this creepy feeling. I hope you will enjoy. Happy Reading!

The Castle In The Attic, Elizabeth Winthrop, June 22.

In this story about young William, a Silver Knight, Mrs. Phillip, an evil magican, and magic. Mrs. Phillip trys to leave and William, (Making a VERY immature decision.) shrinks her. As William Shrinks he travels to the wonderful, and some what scary world that the Silver Knight lives. In order to be big again, William must defeat the evil magican, Alastor, and get the other side of the magic medalion. the settings were better at some times,  but they  very good the rest of the time. The author should have described them more. Happy reading!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Soul Surfer, Bethany Hamilton, June 21st.

In the beginning, I could not put down this book, but after awhile it felt as though it kept repeating itself. In almost every chapter she would talk about the shark attack. She started out the book that way, and ended that way too. She probably couldn't help it because the attack was so traumatic. Another problem I had was that she wouldn't stop talking about God. It was like, OK I get the piont you really like the guy. GET OVER IT!!!! I mean I go to church but I'm not super religious. Bethany was over the top. But if she thinks God helped her get back on the "board" that is great. I still think she could be a pro, but others may not. It's hard to talk about the book because most of it was exactly the same thing said differently. Happy Reading!                                              

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Only Thing That Lasts, Tyler R. Tichelar, June 20th.

First off, I would like to thank the wonderful author for this book. Thank you so much. I truly did treasure every moment. This book was so good I don't even know what to say besides, YOU HAVE TO READ IT! As soon as I had read the first chapter I was in love with the main character, Robert O'Neill, the world famous author. Even though this book was fiction, I felt as though every moment was true. All of the characters were vividly beautiful, and I will definitely read it again and share with my friends. Thanks again. The next book I'm going to be reading is Soul Surfer by Bethany Hamilton. Happy Reading!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Adventures Of A Cat Whiskered Girl, Daniel Pinkwater, June 19.

I LOVED THIS BOOK! I would recommend it for all ages, just read it! The book starts out with an idea, pretend that you are living in a house with 3 floors, but you can only see and hear the one you are on. But there are entirely different worlds on the others. That is about what the entire book is about. Audrey, the cat whiskered girl, and Molly, a mountain Dwerg (and my favorite character.), along with Professor Tag and Chicken Nancy go looking for the Muffin Man, the Wullof, and many other weird and exotic things. (Too many to tell you without ruining the book for you.) I REALLY! hope you will read it. Happy Reading!!! :) :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Trumpet Of The Swan, E. B. White.

Right after I read Once Upon A Marigold, I read this one. This was one of my mom's favorite books and she recommended the book to me. I was in love with little Louis the swan, he seemed so adorable, cute and funny. I liked how I got to watch him grow through out the book. Another one of my favorite characters was Sam. Sam was the one true friend of Louis. Serena, Louis's wife, was annoying at first, she would ignore him and pretend he wasn't there. But then Louis gets his trumpet and he's a big deal. (By the way, I play the trumpet too!) People/ birds like that annoy me. Overall I thought the characters were well made and the plot was interesting with just the right amount of twists. Happy Reading!